EOS/Traction Implementation Firm gear80 Turns One

gear80, which helps owners of Lincoln companies get everything they want from their businesses, turned one year old on November 17.

John Fulwider founded gear80, his fourth business, after a lightning-strike moment. Two of his executive coaching clients at the time said the same thing, the same week, in separate coaching calls: “John, I need tools.” Their teams weren’t getting results.

“The vision was clear, and the team was healthy and cohesive,” Fulwider said. “But the accountability, discipline, and execution that were supposed to link the two were absent.”

Fulwider’s searched for tools and found Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, by Gino Wickman. The book described the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS): A complete, proven system with simple, practical tools that helps business owners get vision, traction, and healthy. “Traction was the missing piece,” Fulwider said. “After reading the book I said to myself, ‘This is it. I can’t do anything else because this is the answer.’”

Fulwider found EOS far more effective than the disconnected tools he’d used previously to help clients of his nationwide executive coaching, strategic planning, and teambuilding firm. So he closed that business after seven years, trained with Wickman to become a Professional EOS Implementer, and launched gear80.

“My early clients Bulu Box, Bluestem Fiber, and ComPro are the reason I’m here today,” Fulwider said. “I’m so thankful that all I do now is help businesses grow right here in Lincoln.”