Even at a time when the economy is down, families are choosing to invest in “Christ-Centered Preparation for College and Life” by enrolling their middle and high school students in Lincoln Lutheran.  The school currently serves 397 students, a record enrollment.  Such a milestone is impressive considering families have been forced to evaluate their priorities during times of tight personal budgets.

The school has a 5-year average of 23.6 for composite ACT scores, the highest of all Lincoln schools.  Historically nearly 100% of Lincoln Lutheran students take the test compared to state and local participation which is considerably lower.

Lincoln Lutheran is a 6-12 grade Middle and High School with an enrollment of 397 students.   The 2011-12 school year marks the 50th year for ministry at Lincoln Lutheran.  The first 35 years Lincoln Lutheran served grades 7-9 and is currently in its 15th year with a full high school.  The school focuses on academic excellence as it prepares students for college and life in a Christ-centered environment.

For more information about Lincoln Lutheran, please contact Scott Ernstmeyer at (402) 467-5404 or visit http://www.lincolnlutheran.org/.