New Year’s Resolutions for 2011
As a new year begins, we often find ourselves reflecting back on the year that has come to a close.  I know this year has been tough for many of us as we have experienced losses in our lives that have affected our lives and will continue to affect them for years to come.  This leads me to my most important New Year’s Resolution for 2011: to spend more quality time with those who mean the most to me.  We just never know how much time we have with people and every precious second should be cherished.

I resolve to spend more time with my family.  Not just my biological family (though of course spending time with them, especially my wonderful daughter Delaney, is first priority), but also my family of friends that becomes more supportive and joyful with every passing year and my family at Strictly Business.  We’ve all grown so much over the years and I am continually amazed at how we all somehow grow together to become better friends, better supporters of each other and a better team.

We can never protect against loss, but we can make sure that we take advantage of every day to spend some time with a person close to us and let them know how much they mean to our lives.

Happy new year, everyone, and let’s make 2011 amazing!

Special Story Features inside this issue of Strictly Business Lincoln are:
New Year’s Goals – Tactics, Tips and Success for 2011!
Going Green – Ideas For Consumers (part 2)
Christian Heritage – Foster Care Feature
Anonymous for Men – Fashion In Lincoln, NE

Of course, we’re always looking for ideas and topics that provide value to our readers.  If you are interested in suggesting a topic, contributing, being part of a future feature, or need help in crafting your press release, just email us here

by Angela Woltman, Vice President of Operations
Strictly Business Magazine Lincoln