EventLNK Announces October Meeting Date, to Tour The Foundry

This month’s EventLNK (eventlnk.org) meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 16, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at The Foundry, formerly known as Non-Profit Hub. The Foundry is located in downtown Lincoln at 211 N. 14th St.

EventLNK members and guests will learn about the new coffee house space and tour their building that promotes “coworking, coffee, and community.” Attendees will also hear a great presentation from UNL PhD Professor Kristin Malek on the “Four ROI Event Measurements that Matter.” Following the tour and presentation, there will be a happy hour and chance to network.

EventLNK brings together Lincoln’s event professionals by providing education and resources to enhance and support professional growth. To register for the event, visit www.eventlnk.org/meetings or email Jill Mlinar at info@eventlnk.org to learn more about joining EventLNK.