CEDARS Youth Services announced the receipt of a Federal Basic Center Grant that they say will be transformational in helping provide for homeless teens in the community.
CEDARS Street Outreach Team, whose role it is to seek out and assist teens living on the streets, worked intensively with over 370 youth this past year.
This grant will help CEDARS identify the best way to connect a stable adult to provide for homeless teens. Whether that’s in the form of a foster family or services in the home, the goal will be to connect each young person with someone.
The Basic Center grant is funded through the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act of the Federal Administration for Children and Families. CEDARS is one of the largest child-caring organizations in Nebraska, caring for 3,000 children each year.
For more information about CEDARS Youth Services, please contact Meagan Liesveld at (402) 434-5439 or mliesveld@cedars-kids.org or visit www.cedars-kids.org.