CBMC Lincoln Golf Classic a Success

July 25th was one of the hottest days of the summer, but that didn’t put a damper on the 16th Annual CBMC Lincoln Golf Classic! In fact, CBMC Lincoln (lincoln.cbmc.com) had their highest turnout ever! And everyone seemed to have a great time! Besides a round of golf, the day included a wonderful lunch, a raffle, a silent auction, and an inspiring speaker.

The speaker of the event was the “KC Wolf,” Dan Meers. He shared with attendees how an accident while performing a stunt as part of his job (as Mascot to the Kansas City Chiefs) changed his outlook on life forever. His advice? Think of life as a coin. It’s yours to spend, but only once, so spend it wisely!

CBMC Lincoln is a local organization of Christian business leaders and professionals that seek to encourage each other to conduct business in a way that glorifies God and serves the community. CBMC Lincoln offers peer advisory groups, team meetings, small-group studies, and a variety of training, networking, and relationship-building opportunities.

When businesses operate according to Godly principles, everybody wins! For more information, please visit lincoln.cbmc.com or contact Ed Nix at (402) 730-8797 / enix@cbmc.com or Larry Middendorf, at (402) 730-8797 / lmiddendorf@cbmc.com.