Lincoln Animal Ambassadors(LAA) is pleased to announce the current results of their recent “Responsi-Bull Campaign” encouraging Lincoln Pit Bull pet guardians to get their dogs altered. As of March 15, LAA has assisted Lincoln area Pit Bull owners with getting about 41 Pit Bulls altered with an additional 25 vouchers outstanding.

In November 2011, LAA conducted a pilot project, which involved hanging door hangers on the doors of homes located in a selected area in Lincoln.  The door hanger invited residents to contact Lincoln Animal Ambassadors to obtain a voucher to get their Pit Bulls altered as well as several bits of information and statistics on Pit Bulls.

Please consider helping support the Lincoln Animal Ambassadors Spay/Neuter program and their other programs with a donation.

As a 501(c)3 organization, tax-deductible monetary donations can be sent to Lincoln Animal Ambassadors, PO Box 67072, Lincoln, NE 68506, or on the web at