People’s City Mission Announces Winter Coat Drive Throughout Month of January

People’s City Mission (PCM, recently announced the launch of a winter coat drive throughout the month of January, as temperatures drop, because the need is great for many people in Lincoln who don’t have adequate clothing to navigate the colder weather. The Mission is asking folks in the community to check their closets for any gently used coats, gloves, and hats that they don’t need and take them to the Help Center, located at 6800 P St. (right behind Marcus East Park Cinema) or to one of the Toss Boxes around town. Your support of this drive can make a meaningful difference in the lives of people in our community who are struggling financially.
In 2019, PCM sheltered nearly 80% of Lincoln’s homeless and provided food, clothing, and household goods to more than 22,000 individuals struggling in poverty. Most of the funding continues to come from public giving in the community, and more than 90% of the public contributions go directly to the needs of homeless and impoverished people.
People’s City Mission was started in 1907 by local churches, offering food and shelter for transient and impoverished men, women, and children. In 1987, PCM moved to their current location and now houses 350 men, women, and children nightly in their emergency shelters and the Curtis Center transitional housing program. For more information or to find Toss Box locations, please visit or call (402) 475-1303.