TeamMates Mentoring of Lincoln Adapts to School Closure

Typically, Lincoln TeamMates ( mentors and students play cards in the school library or shoot hoops in the gymnasium. These days, TeamMates matches are connecting electronically, amid school closures that put an early halt to their in-person weekly meetings. Per program guidelines, visits between TeamMates matches must take place at the student’s school, so when schools closed, mentoring was also put on hold. Knowing the importance of these friendships and the consistency they bring to students’ lives, the Lincoln chapter staff immediately met to strategize how to facilitate mentoring despite matches’ inability to meet face to face. They came up with an email exchange, in which staff work as a go-between in order to follow TeamMates’ safe communication policies and utilize the laptops provided to students by their schools.

“The adaptability mentors and students are showing is proof of our matches’ dedication to one another. In these strange times, being able to connect with someone who’s been a constant in your life is really important for kids,” said Audrey Watson, a match support specialist with Lincoln TeamMates.

Working remotely, TeamMates is also maintaining regular communication with mentors, students, and their parents. Staff are working with senior students to ensure their readiness to move onto post-secondary education this fall, and many qualifying graduating seniors will receive TeamMates scholarships.

“We’re adjusting as needed and continuing to support our students and mentors unconditionally,” said Lincoln TeamMates Coordinator Jim Bennett.

TeamMates Mentoring of Lincoln makes a meaningful impact in the local community and beyond by inspiring youth to reach their full potential through mentoring. Please visit or call (402) 436-1990 for more information.