First of all, congratulations to all of our Best Dressed 2011 winners!!  We had such a great turnout for our Best Dressed event at Scottish Rite and it was so good to see everyone.  Make sure you take some time to congratulate all the winners and learn more about them in our Look of Success Lincoln Best Dressed 2011 Feature article this month!

The holidays are coming closer and closer and we all have upcoming parties and gift shopping on our minds!  Luckily, we have two stories that will be able to help you out!  Our Unique Party Ideas Feature article will offer up some fun and unique ideas for your own corporate holiday party and our gift story has a unique topic this month: Kids’ Gifts Feature.  Have you ever been overwhelmed by the number of toys your kids get for Christmas?  Wish they would get something a little more useful or educational?  This is your story!  We’ll give you some great ideas as well as tips on how to let people know what’s on your kids’ wish list!

Our next story is for all you athletes out there as well as for parents who have kids participating in sports.  Our Sports Health Feature story discusses how to prepare yourself or your kids to best succeed in your chosen sport and, more importantly, how to stay safe!

Finally, our Supporting Your Local Economy Feature article is a great resource for all those who want to keep their money local!  We’ll talk about why it’s so important to shop local both for products and services and give you some great local businesses who would love to serve you!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and getting all geared up for a wonderful holiday season!

On a final note, we encourage all of our readers to become a fan of us on Facebook for some great updates. Please continue giving us feedback on what you like, what can be improved and ideas on businesses we should feature in the magazine!  We love hearing from all of you!

If you are interested in suggesting a topic, contributing, being part of a future feature, or need help in crafting your press release, just email us here

Send us your news and get the recognition you deserve.

by Angela Woltman, Vice President of Operations
Strictly Business Magazine Lincoln