Lincoln Family Funeral Care is Lincoln’s newest funeral home, located near Havelock on the corner of Fremont and Touzalin.  They are celebrating their one year anniversary March 1, and their goal has been to not only provide funeral services at a reasonable cost but to help each family create a truly individualized service that truly honors the life that was lived.  LFFC has conducted all sizes and types of services and are confident in their ability to make this part of life as easy as it can possibly be for the family.

How did you get started in the business? – About 10 years ago, I was at a transitional point in my career.  I saw a posting on a job board for a person needed to help families make their pre-arrangements.  I applied for the position and was hired.  I started as a pre-need consultant at Lincoln Memorial.  After 6 months, I was asked to train for a General Management position with the company.  I found that I loved being there to help families and now I can’t imagine doing anything else!

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – Making the decision to open our own funeral home.  I resigned my position as General Manager in May of 2010.  I was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in October of that year.  I wasn’t sure how fast the disease would progress or how long I would be able to work on a full time basis.  As scary as it can be to open a new business even without a progressive disease, we made the decision to move ahead.  One year later, I am very happy we faced the challenge and I wouldn’t change a thing!

Tell us a little about your family. – I have been married for almost 9 years to my best friend, Dave.  We have 4 children; Michaela – 29, Rio – 28, Chris – 28 and Jade – 24.  We love animals and we have 2 dogs, Arlo and Alice and 3 cats, Simon, Daisy and Ellie.  Family is very important in my life and I’m grateful that my mother and two sisters also live in Lincoln.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – Relax with my husband while enjoying an awesome cup of coffee and catching up on all the things we run out of time to talk about during the week.

What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? – My husband and I were the first couple married on the Tour De Nebraska bicycle ride.  We rode 70 miles from Lincoln to Nebraska City the day before our marriage.  We were married at a bed and breakfast in Nebraska City and then our honeymoon was riding another 300 miles.  Absolutely loved it!

What are you most proud of? – My children

If you could choose any other profession to be successful in, what would it be? – Teaching others the process and steps to become a successful business owner.  I have definitely caught the “entrepreneur spirit” from my business partner.

What is your favorite local restaurant? – Mazatlan – especially for the friendly staff and fantastic Margarita’s

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – Don’t fixate on the past – it’s gone and you can never change it.  Focus on today, tomorrow, your future – you can change that!

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