Employers can now register for paperless SIDES (State Information Data Exchange System) to respond online to unemployment requests from the Nebraska Department of Labor (NDOL).

1. Go to dol.nebraska.gov/SIDES and click the Registration button.

2. Log into UIConnect, Nebraska’s online portal for employers.

3. Go to the Benefit Center tab and click the SIDES E-Response button.

4. Enter the email address that should receive any separation requests sent by the Nebraska Department of Labor (NDOL)

5. Keep your access code in a safe place.

6. Watch for emails from the NDOL requesting separation information. Be sure to add ndol.uisides@nebraska.gov to your safe sender list so the emails don’t end up in your junk mail.

7. To respond to requests, click the link in your email to uisides.org.

8. Log in with your FEIN, SEIN and access code.

9. Answer the questions about your employee.

10. Submit your response within 10 days of the request to keep your appeal rights and help prevent overpayments and unnecessary charges to your experience account.

For questions about SIDES – Website: dol.nebraska.gov/SIDES Phone: (402) 472-9910 | Email: ndol.uisides@nebraska.gov.