More than 7,000 athletes have registered for the 2015 State Games of America (SGA), including national qualifiers from 46 states and host-state entries from 190 different Nebraska communities.

Top five states include Nebraska (4,205), Iowa (302), Kansas (270), Texas (254) and Wisconsin (158).  Four states yet to be represented include Hawaii, Maine, Vermont and West Virginia.

The largest five sports thus far include Track & Field (638), Soccer (630), Swimming (473), Figure Skating (451) and Basketball (427).

Registration remains open until July 1 for the 9th and largest-ever edition of the national multi-sport festival, which takes place July 28-August 2 in Lincoln, Omaha and surrounding communities.  Competition is offered in 67 sports and all athletes receive a shirt and Super Pass, which includes admission to Opening Ceremonies, two Athlete Villages and all competition venues.

The State Games of America is a property of the National Congress of State Games and the Nebraska Sports Council.  Platinum partners include: Black Hills Energy, the Downtown Optimist Club of Lincoln, the Nebraska Tourism Commission, the Nebraska National Guard and CHI Health St. Elizabeth.

Register or find more information at or by calling the Nebraska Sports Council at (402) 471-2544.