Lifeline by Immanuel is now teaming up with Right at Home In-Home Care Assistance and is offering any new clients of Right at Home In-Home Care & Assistance free installation and a 60-day free trial. In order to receive this free trial, the client must show their Right at Home service agreement to a Lifeline by Immanuel service representative before installation.

Immanuel Lifeline can help you maintain your independence and give your family peace of mind. That’s because help is just a button push away. Lifeline by Immanuel is a 24-hour personal response service affiliated with Philips Lifeline. When the button is pushed, you will be connected to a certified Immanuel Lifeline professional or monitor, able to respond to you in seconds, assessing your situation and summoning help. Life is unpredictable. An unexpected fall or medical emergency could threaten your future health if help is delayed. That’s why Right at Home offers Immanuel Lifeline to their clients and the option to receive immediate emergency assistance 24/7.

For more information, please contact Right at Home In-Home Care and Assistance at (402)488-4421, or their website at: