“The College provides accessible, dynamic and responsive pathways to career and technical, academic transfer and continuing education programs.”

Cover-Southeast-Community-College-OctoberIf you think this reads like a mission statement, you’re right. This sentence is part of the mission statement of Southeast Community College. Following is a quick summary of some of the newest ventures involving technical programs at SCC.

Certificate in Precision Agriculture
A Department of Labor/TAACCCT Grant enabled SCC to launch this new credential within its Agriculture Business & Management Technology program. The courses are for farmers and other Ag professionals who want to expand their knowledge and skills in technological advances in agriculture. It provides the education necessary to develop the understanding, knowledge and skills to incorporate Precision Agriculture technology into business operation.

Classes are held face-to-face on the Beatrice Campus and online. Classes begin in November. For more detailed information, go to www.southeast.edu/PrecisionAgriculture.

Associate of Applied Science degree in Energy Generation Operations
Although this program is not new to SCC, demand for skilled plant operators remains high. Energy generation operators must understand and oversee all aspects of a power-generating facility, whether it generates electricity or liquid fuels. SCC offers focus areas in Industrial Process Operations, Nuclear or Military options.

The program is designed to provide five quarters of common core curriculum for several types of processing operations. Operators must understand and oversee all aspects of process operations facilities, including power-generating facilities, fuel-processing facilities and many other industries. Students will study a wide range of necessary topics to gain this broad understanding of plant operation and maintenance.

The program is located on the Milford Campus. Go to www.southeast.edu/EnergyGenerationOperations for more information.

Certificate in Geographic Information Systems Technician
Geographic Information Systems are one type of geospatial technology that offers a radically different way to produce and use maps to manage communities and industries. GIS is a computerized database management system for capturing, storing, retrieving, analyzing, and displaying geographic information. GIS technicians assist scientists, engineers and related professionals designing or preparing graphic representations of GIS data, using GIS hardware and software applications, as well as analyzing GIS data to identify spatial relationships or display results of analysis using maps, graphs, or tabular data.

Program courses are offered online and face-to-face on the Lincoln Campus. Go to www.southeast.edu/GeographicInformationSystemsTechnician for more information.

Associate of Applied Science degree, Certificate, Diploma in Diversified Manufacturing Technology
This program provides comprehensive training for a wide range of manufacturing-related environments. Courses are drawn from a variety of technical programs across SCC, building skills to enter or advance in industry-related career fields. The program is offered on the Lincoln and Milford campuses, and some courses are offered as hybrids (a combination of face-to-face and online).

The first five courses in the program lead to the Diversified Manufacturing Certificate, which prepares students to enter the job market as a Certified Production Technician. Certificate courses are taught using both online resources and classroom laboratory equipment. Each course aligns with the nationally-recognized Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician credential.

The Diversified Manufacturing Technology diploma and A.A.S. degrees are built on courses in other SCC manufacturing and production programs to provide a broad technical experience. For more information, go to www.southeast.edu/DiversifiedManufacturingTechnology.


For more information please visit www.southeast.edu

Cover photos courtesy of Chad Greene.