WasteCap Nebraska Announces 2016 Officers and Board Members
WasteCap Nebraska (www.wastecapne.org) announces their new officers and board members for 2016:
Reynolds Davis, President, Medical Reserve Corps Coordinator
Emily Estes, Vice-President, Owner of Sage Nutrition, LLC
Danielle Easdale, Secretary/Treasurer, Cass County Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grant Project Manager
Tyler Mainquist, Central Financial Services, (past President)
Gene Hanlon, Recycling Coordinator for the City of Lincoln, (past Secretary)
Marty Hager, CEO of agency services at Aradius Group
Michael Shambaugh-Miller, PhD, Produce From the Heart and the Society of St. Andrew
Kara Kugler, Senior Account Representative for Sadoff Iron & Metal
WasteCap Nebraska’s mission is to eliminate waste in Nebraska. A statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, WasteCap Nebraska advances sustainable practices for businesses and communities through innovation, education and policy change.
For more information on WasteCap Nebraska visit www.wastecapne.org.