Fresh Start Welcomes 5 New Board Members, Recognizes 2 Outgoing Members for Service

Fresh Start ( recently welcomed five new members to their Board of Directors, and recognized outgoing members Nick Ludwig and Cynthia Peterson for their combined 19 years of service. Executive Director Monica Zinke said both Nick and Cynthia held offices and played valuable roles in guiding the organization over the last decade: “We will miss them but know they will continue to be supporters of Fresh Start and advocates for those experiencing homelessness.”

Incoming Fresh Start Board members include Sara Hernancez, Union Bank & Trust; Tad Hunt, Huron Consulting Group; Vanessa Meinberg, Southeast Community College; Michael Reinmiller, the AV Dude and UNL-CCFL; and Audrey Schaffer-Jackson, Serve Nebraska.

“Empowering, supporting, and giving women hope speaks to my soul,” Sara said upon beginning her Board service. “I know people who have battled with addiction and homelessness for many years. I’ve seen firsthand the pain and struggles they have endured and its impact on their families. They participated in programs and I see the value they provide. I hope that the time and resources I can dedicate to Fresh Start can give someone hope and a chance for a better future.”

Fresh Start has been in operation since 1991. It houses women without children in their direct care—a population its founders recognized as underserved in Lincoln. It is a valuable landing place for women facing an array of challenges, including escaping abuse, freeing themselves from addiction, or starting over again after incarceration. For more information, visit or call (402) 475-7777.