Fresh Start Gave 64 Women a Fresh Start in 2020 with Modifications for Pandemic

Since its inception, Fresh Start ( has given a “fresh start” to nearly 1,800 women who were striving to live a better life. In 2020, they served 64 women and provided 18,990 meals and 6,330 nights of lodging to women in need. The number served during the year was lower than average, due to the pandemic. In line with COVID guidelines, they reduced occupancy to leave a couple of quarantine rooms available to maintain a safe and healthy home.

Fresh Start is a transitional shelter for women experiencing homelessness. Its 24-bed home shelters women for up to one year. The nonprofit provides real resources and assistance for women as they work to turn their lives around. Women who enter Fresh Start’s program and do the work are on their way to a stable, self-sufficient future. A common goal on their Individualized Goal Plan (IGP) is to secure employment. In 2020, Fresh Start had 9% of residents employed at entry and 71% employed at exit.

Get involved with Fresh Start by visiting their website at or connecting on social media, including Facebook (@FreshStartHomeLincoln) and Twitter (@FreshStartLNK). To donate or volunteer, Contact Audrey at (402) 475-7777 /