NAM’s Business Partner Program Invites Businesses to Support Nonprofits

Nonprofit Association of the Midlands (NAM, is promoting their Business Partner Program, an opportunity for businesses to help out nonprofits on a larger scale. A NAM Business Partner is a for-profit company or corporation that pays a partnership fee, just like nonprofit organizations pay dues to the association. The business partners and their services are advertised to more than 700 nonprofit members in the association on a regular basis.

When you become a Business Partner of NAM, they pledge to give your business preferred status on all their business needs, bids for services, and bids for supplies to their Business Partners. In turn, NAM expects their partners to offer excellent customer service and a significant discount on services provided to their nonprofit members.

Nonprofit Association of the Midlands offers three partnership levels to meet your budget: Consultant Level (typically reserved for work-at-home, single employee businesses or consultants), $150/year; Business Level 2, $300/year; or Business Level 1, $750/year. If your business wants to support nonprofits across Nebraska and western Iowa, please go to and consider joining as a Business Partner.