Professional Realty Group ( was thrilled to be a proud sponsor of this year’s LNE Auto Show! This event was not just about showcasing stunning vehicles; it was about making a difference in the lives of students pursuing careers in the automotive field.

The primary goal of the event is to raise funds for student scholarships, supporting those with a passion for all things automotive. At PRG, they believe in giving back to the community and supporting the next generation of automotive professionals. By sponsoring events like the LNE Auto Show, PRG aims to make a positive impact on students’ lives and help them achieve their academic and career goals. They are committed to organizing events that benefit both individuals and the community as a whole.

The auto show was held at Southeast Community College on April 28.

Sponsoring the LNE Auto Show was a true honor for everyone at PRG. They love being able to support student scholarships, celebrate automotive passion and contribute to their community’s growth and development.

If you’re considering buying or selling real estate this year, Professional Realty Group would love the opportunity to meet and talk about how they can assist you in achieving those goals. PRG handles residential, commercial, leasing, investing and developing. For more information, visit