Meet Nate Pierce-Panowicz, Executive Director at Mosaic (

Tell us a little about your business. – Mosaic is an international organization empowering people to live their best lives. We support each person holistically to live the life they choose to live. We support over 400 people with varying needs across Nebraska. Mosaic was formed when Bethphage and Martin Luther Homes merged in 2003, our two legacy organizations started in 1913 and 1925 respectively. Today we support people in 13 different states with partnerships in Tanzania.

How did you get started in the business? – I was actually living in the basement of my sister’s home after graduating from the University of Nebraska- Lincoln and wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. I started as a Direct Support Supervisor for a residential group home in 2011 unsure if I was the right person for the role and if this work was for me. Over 12 years later and various roles within Mosaic, I still find joy in the work I do.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – COVID was the largest challenge I have faced in my career. We needed to keep the people we support and those who work at Mosaic safe. The coordination of PPE was so important and we had so many wonderful people assisting us to get what we needed. It was a long battle with quick moving pieces for our work. However, looking back I think I learned a lot about myself but more importantly how our team can work together when things are challenging.

What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? – I actually grew up on a small acreage just outside of Kearney. We had a few head of cattle consistently, even goats. I remember a brief moment we had chickens.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? – This is always a challenging question, but flying would be my dream. I love to travel and experience new things so being able to fly there quickly. Also to have a birds eye view over various landmarks, niagara falls, big cities, Las Vegas lights.

If you could choose any other profession to be successful in, what would it be? – Nursing. On occasion there are times when something arises that I wish I understood better, and feel having a nursing background would be beneficial. Luckily I get to work with many great nurses and rely on their expertise.

What is your favorite TV show? – This is always a toss up, right now it’s between The Crown and Bridgerton. I have always enjoyed historical periods where life was much different than it is today. Almost any historical piece will get my attention for hours. The Crown is full of great stories and talented actors which keeps me captivated.

What is your favorite local Lincoln restaurant? – Lazlo’s. When I went to UNL I used to park just a few blocks away downtown. Every afternoon I would smell Lazlo’s and immediately be craving the food, especially the creamy garlic sauce. Yum!

If you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be? – Queen Elizabeth II- I love history and there were so many events that occurred during her life. Also being able to learn from her about leadership and the many wonderful charitable organizations she supported would be fascinating.

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – Office: (402) 466-3330 | Cell: (402) 477-2101 | |