A Child Saved…A mother redeemed…A father transformed…A marriage restored… That’s Good News Club from Child Evangelism Fellowship (cefnebraska.org)!

“This all started with Brianna starting a Good News Club (GNC),” Brianna’s father stated. “My relationship with God was not good at all,” Brianna’s mother shared.

Brianna’s parents divorced, and Brianna’s father took her mother to court for custody of Brianna. As Brianna attended the GNC after-school program, her life began to change as she understood the gospel and trusted Christ as her Savior. Her mother noticed the change in Brianna’s behavior and wanted to attend the church that was hosting the GNC. She began attending the church, and God worked in her life. She trusted Christ, and He began to transform her.

Because of the transformation in Brianna’s mother’s attitude and character, her father came to the church to find out what the change was about. The Lord changed his heart and life also. “It is God that has acted in my life,” he declared. “I’m thankful to him every day. I’m a different person, and I am going to be volunteering with the GNC.”

Today, Brianna’s father and mother have remarried and are very happy. “Everything is because of God,” Brianna’s mother declared! “The domino effect of reaching a child changed the life of four different people. Lives were transformed because of God working through the GNC!

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska is part of a global ministry in nearly every country of the world. Its vision is to reach Every Child, Every Nation and Every Day with the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For more information about CEF of Nebraska, visit cefnebraska.org, or call (402) 484-7877.