Meet Ryan Onstad, the Director of Brand Development at Freddy’s Custard and Steakburgers (

Tell us a little about your business. – We’re a “Fast-Casual” restaurant. We serve Custard, Steakburgers, Hotdogs, julienne cut fries and much, much more AND now offering Catering! We have four Lincoln locations. There are currently 15 Freddy’s locations in Nebraska and 520+ nationwide.

How did you get started in the business? – After seven years in telecommunications, one of my best friends Nat Crawford introduced me to Alex Carney one of our franchise owners. Alex and I hit it off quickly and the company was in the process of creating a brand champion position that fits my skill set perfectly.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – Having to start over employment wise in different industries. However, with each job, I learn something that helped me add a fresh perspective to my next work environment.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? – At my previous job in telecommunications, I broke all my employers’ sales records. My original boss quickly promoted me to sales trainer and team lead. The thing that drove me was a quote from actor/comedian Jamie Foxx which I will paraphrase; “If you work more than two years at a door-to-door job, it’s like getting an Associates Degree, no where else will you get that kind of real world direct customer experience and other employers will notice that.” He was right!

Tell us a little about your family. – I have been married to my wife Daryl for five years. We are newly parents to our son, Kylo, and our beloved dogs.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – 2015, the first time I lost a job. I had worked there for 17 years and I probably would have stayed until I retired. The reality was, I was complacent. I lived the cubical work life. Deep inside I knew I wasn’t working somewhere where I was using my skill sets, talents and attributes. Losing that job and looking back on it, I believe God was setting me free to do other things with my life. I honestly believe He has ever since then.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – Go to the Funny Bone comedy club in Omaha. I have been going there since I was old enough to get in! It’s a second home for my wife and me. We got engaged there. We even did our baby announcement pictures from there. The owner, Colleen Quinn, has been very generous to us over the years. We have experienced many great times and memories there.

Who inspires you? – I’m a card carrying Christian. So, if I don’t automatically answer “Jesus” am I going to get in trouble? But seriously, I’m drawn to creative people. People who are disrupters in industries. People who have thought of something no one else has. Those are the people that drive me to be original, to be different.

What is your favorite quote or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – This is from the late movie producer/talent agent Jerry Wientraub’s book When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead. I will paraphrase; “I love and live for the word ‘Maybe’” because I hear the word “No” all day in sales … but if I can get you to finally say “Maybe,” then I can certainly get you to say “Yes.”

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