Business Community Sees Positive Momentum From 2016 Legislative Session
The end of April saw the close of another legislative session for Nebraska lawmakers. I’m sure for many senators it comes as a relief to get back to their lives as private citizens rather than citizen/legislators.
The end of the Session marks the close of legislative careers for many leaders in the Capitol. I want to personally recognize retiring senators and thank them for their work on state issues and their commitment to public service. Our legislative leaders and the Governor deserve our gratitude for their work on the business of the state and on developing state policy through the deliberative legislative process.
Trying to forge consensus and compromise on tough issues can be emotionally charged and very stressful. Nebraska experienced this at several points during the 2016 Legislative Session. The legislative process requires good people with patience, intelligence, and vision. Even when you have good people, it is equally imperative to have a plan or agenda. The Lincoln Chamber adopts our state, federal, and local agendas at the first of each year so we have defined objectives that hold us accountable.
Our State Agenda guided us on: Tax relief & spending restraint; Investment in needed transportation infrastructure; State and local government efficiency; Support for military; Regulatory reform; and, Support for policy proposals that assist in completing the missions of our LPED and CVB divisions.
As a Chamber coalition, we were pleased with the positive outcomes on many of our legislative objectives. Senators enacted significant legislation to invest more in needed transportation infrastructure. Funding for the Site and Building Development Fund, which we’ve utilized locally to enhance development opportunities, was also boosted. We supported the Venture Development and Innovation Task Force, which will develop a statewide strategic plan to cultivate a climate of entrepreneurship and innovation.
The Lincoln Chamber also worked with the City of Lincoln and others to expand the radius for Pinnacle Bank Arena turn-back funding. We also joined forces to successfully work against misguided efforts to make the community re-development law more bureaucratic.
The Lincoln Chamber actively supported legislation that enhanced the Business Innovation Act and improved the Intern NE program. We joined with the State Chamber to help enact improvements – supported unanimously by the Board of Regents – to the search process used by the University in filling key leadership roles.
On the issues of taxation, we worked as a part of a Chamber Coalition to urge more attention to income tax relief and asserted our deep concerns over shifting tax burdens. We advocated for a more favorable tax climate for development of custom software, and supported student loan repayment tax credits and other innovative workforce development initiatives.
Our Military Affairs Committee identified several issues – such as adoption of Veterans Treatment Courts and a Commission on Military and Veterans Affairs – which won enactment this year.
On a final note, it was disappointing to see workplace equality based on sexual orientation and gender identity was not enacted this year. However, I believe momentum is building in support of this critical issue.
We appreciate the strong support we receive from our leadership and general members on public policy issues. Thank you for your support and engagement!
The Chamber’s mission is to improve the lives of Lincoln residents by providing increased economic opportunity and can only be accomplished together. For more information on the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, ( please contact Jaime Henning at