How Important is Team Building in a Company?

Many would agree the greatest team-building coach of all time is Tom Osborne. Although he coached Husker football teams to win five national championships, his most important achievements may have been his contributions to helping others reach their potential.

Tom Osborne hired exceptional coaches. Coach Ron Brown led the spiritual side of the team. Coach Boyd Epley made sure players were more physically capable than their opponents. Tom Osborne’s other talented coaches trained young athletes to be the best on the field and also responsible adults. Off-field issues were dealt with in a caring but responsible manner.

Husker football players traveled in sport coats and ties. They handed or tossed the football to the referees after a play rather than tossing it the other direction. They helped their fellow teammates and opposing team up off the ground. Their trust in their teammates showed in their dedicated efforts. Academics were obviously important too since Nebraska soon had the most Collegiate Academic All-Americans.

Tom Osborne set the example for the players by being humble and kind. Husker fans followed his lead as they cheered for the other teams as they left the field after games. Commentators have recognized Nebraska fans as the best ever.

Tom Osborne’s teams are a great example of what can be accomplished when teams pull together. That type of team building can make a difference in businesses too.

Team building starts with a responsible business philosophy that is lived each day by talented managers who can coach the team to do great things. Great teams will remain loyal to each other and perform well. Their pride will naturally take them to the next level. Accolades tend to follow great teams.

Accolades also follow responsible companies like John Henry’s Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning. Last month, John Henrys received the 2017 Chamber of Commerce Green Business of the Year Award. This is an impressive award to add to their long list of awards and accomplishments.

Owner John Henry (Jack) Zohner feels “being recognized for protecting our environment is especially meaningful because all of our hard work has taken us to another level. It feels like we won a national championship!”

John Henry’s services heating and air conditioning equipment to improve efficiency. They also sell quality Trane and Lennox high-efficiency equipment. The service and sales combined with their impressive recycling program allowed them to reduce the carbon footprint in our community by approximately 19,213 metric tons, which is the equivalent of removing 4,087 vehicles from our streets!

Their recycling program includes proper recycling of cardboard, tearing down used heating and air-conditioning equipment, sorting it, then putting those proceeds, which are approximately $40K annually, in the employee 401K savings plan.

The John Henry’s Leadership Council members are the “coaches” for their team. They work closely together to do the right things for the right reasons. They hire for attitude and train for skill.

John Henry’s Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning thanks Tom Osborne and everyone involved in the Nebraska football program who has set the example of how to be successful in life…and business.

Thanks also to the “fans” (customers) that support the John Henry’s team!

John Henry’s Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning logo • 402-435-5555
2949 Cornhusker Hwy, Lincoln, NE 68504