Technology has played a crucial role in the digital transformation of not only our everyday lives in the past year, but also businesses pivoting from in-store experiences to virtual connections. Last August, e-commerce saw over 490% YOY growth. Meaning, if you haven’t mastered the art of your digital transformation, now is the time.

Reliable Connectivity is Essential

In a digital age, fast and reliable internet speeds are something that customers have come to expect. A reliable internet that matches your business and customers’ need for speed is vitally important. From online shopping to using apps in-store, fiber internet allows for a seamless shopping experience by providing broadband that supports multiple devices without a lag in speed. Fiber internet is easily scalable to meet the connection needs of you and your customers.

Master Game Changing Technology with Digital Signage

As businesses in Lincoln have continued to open, it’s been critical to provide adequate space for social distancing to keep customers coming back. Business signage is crucial for directing customer traffic, promoting sales, and more. Many have made the move to become more digitally savvy, which includes signage like Raydiant. As a cloud-based platform, once the device is connected to the internet and the TV display, it is easy to update in-store screens virtually from anywhere.

Reshape the Online Shopping Experience

Businesses nationwide and in Lincoln have found new and unique ways to connect with customers from virtual shopping to online personal training. Now is the time to ensure your network has the strength to meet demands. Software-defined wide-area networks (SD-WAN) are a great tool for keeping your business and customers moving virtually with ease. SD-WAN eliminates downtime, meaning customers won’t experience online delays, and ensures business operations stay up-and-running.

Customer Confidence Driven By Online Security

As we are all aware, no business is too small to be free of potential cybersecurity threats, especially during a digitally driven environment. You are most likely aware of the negative impacts a security breach can have on your customer base and their loyalty to your business. Cybercrime attacks have taken center stage in the last year causing over $1 billion in losses.

Protecting your business against cybercrime starts with ensuring your network is secure at each stage of a transaction. Kinetic Business recently launched their own Professional Services which allows you to customize diagnostic tests that evaluate your network security, and proactively identify network vulnerabilities before they turn into breaches.

Virtual private networks are essential to not only your protection but your customers’. Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks are disruptive and can easily make your internet circuit unavailable, potentially putting you in non-compliance with industry regulations. With a DDoS service provider, you can monitor, detect, validate, and mitigate attacks before an outage or related damage occurs.

We’ve been building a network to better serve Lincoln residents and businesses for years. For more tips on finding the right business solutions, tune into the Connecting Business Podcast to hear business experts discuss real solutions in a post COVID-19 environment. Follow @GoKineticBiz on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, or visit