Driving through The Woodlands at Yankee Hill, owned by Krueger Development, you can see open lots, poured foundations, and finished homes. But when Christina Sabin is in The Woodlands she sees progress. “Irene Court of Fourteenth Addition is being paved, the Sixteenth Addition has grading stakes set, and builders are framing left and right,” she says, while inspecting a nearby silt fence.

The Woodlands at Yankee Hill begins southeast of the 70th and Yankee Hill intersection and extends east to 84th street. Owned and developed by Krueger Development, The Woodlands has continued to provide beautiful new homes since development began in the summer of 2008. The Woodlands is Lincoln’s “good life” living while being ten minutes from SouthPointe Pavilions and Appian Way, the business center on 90th and Hwy 2.

The Woodlands is also home to St. Michael’s School and Church and is across the street from the future site of Moore Middle School, located on 84th and Yankee Hill and scheduled to open in the fall of 2017.

Since Christina joined the Krueger Development team in August 2014, she has made The Woodlands her main focus. Compared to the same time last year, lot sales in The Woodlands have increased 40%. And it doesn’t look like things will be slowing down soon. Two new additions with a combined 52 lots will be available by this summer.

The day-to-day business of The Woodlands is bustling to say the least. “I work with over twenty builders within the development, and over half of them are actively building this season. The Woodlands is not a typical ‘cookie cutter’ neighborhood. We have minimal restrictive covenants and are open to all builders and individuals. It’s always fun to review individual plans and see different styles of homes represented,” Christina says.

Because of the flurry of activity in The Woodlands, Christina conducts an inspection three times a week. “I check to see that builders are maintaining original lot grading, following general safety guidelines, and following Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). And that’s where Kirt the Dirt Man comes in.”

Christina works closely with Krueger Development’s Kirt Mowrey on SWPPP guidelines. Kirt, who leads the crew that does all of Krueger Development’s original site grading, performs a weekly inspection of The Woodlands. Together he and Christina collaborate on keeping the development as safe and clean as possible. “I enjoy quality weather talks with Kirt. Working in the development field highlights the fact that weather can make or break your day. I can go to Kirt with any question and although his answers are of few words they are always knowledgeable.”

In addition to the residential lots, Krueger Development is expanding its commercial component with the Enterprise Center, located on the southeast side of The Woodlands.  The Enterprise Center will offer small and local businesses the opportunity to own their commercial space. “We are excited for the future of the Enterprise Center,” Christina says. “I anticipate a wide variety of commercial vendors making a home here. Having direct access from 84th Street makes it an ideal location.”

Heading toward the Sixteenth Addition, Christina hops off the paved road and onto the dirt landscape. “We go where the road ends,” she says smiling, “and then we go further.”

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