Personal Resolutions
Take Care of Your Health
Your health is incredibly important in the new year, as it is every year! If you’re not in good health, you’re not in any position to achieve any of your resolutions. Here are a few resolutions that will help you ensure your health stays at its optimum this year.
Get recommended tests/screenings
In November, The United States Preventative Task Force, updated its screening recommendations on screening for breast cancer in the general population. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), however, did not accept these updated recommendations, and are continuing to recommend: Screening mammography every 1-2 years for women aged 40-49; Screening mammography every year for women age 50 and older and breast Self Exam, which has the potential to detect palpable breast cancer, and can still be recommended. ACOG will continue to evaluate the Task Force’s new recommendations and the details involved.
The Women’s Clinic of Lincoln and Family Health Care Center Providers are continuing to follow ACOG’s recommendations. In addition to these recommendations, each patient will continue to be evaluated on an individual basis, and screening recommendations may change based on a patients personal and/or family history, and any symptoms they may be having. Women’s Clinic and Family Health Care Center will continue to keep patients updated to any new recommendations or updates to these recommendations. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these recommendations please contact your health care provider.
Know your body
It’s difficult to know where you want to go if you don’t know where you’re at now. This is true in many things, but especially true when it comes to your health. Whether you are not feeling at your optimum now or you just want to improve yourself, it’s important to know what’s going on in your body. That’s where lab work comes in. By going to a facility such as Any Lab Test Now, you can get comprehensive screenings done for a number of things, from basic check-ups, cancer screenings, cholesterol panels and heartburn panels to tests done to see if you have a B12 deficiency.
Dan Mulder of Any Lab Test Now comments that many people have a B12 deficiency and don’t even know it. Some common symptoms associated with B12 deficiency are feeling weak, tired or lighthearted, memory loss or disorientation, depression, sharp stabbing pain in the palm of one or both hands and having a sore, red or itchy tongue. Fortunately, B12 deficiency is easy to test for and, if you are deficient, it is easy to treat with shots of the vitamin, which are also available at Any Lab Test Now. Most people feel better within days of beginning treatment.
Get in shape
One of the most popular resolutions year after year is getting in shape and losing weight. Being overweight and out of shape has a huge impact on your life and can affect your self-esteem, your activity level and can lead to serious health problems. Is this the year you’ve vowed to finally get into shape? Here are some tips.
Work with a weight loss center
Going it alone is not always the best way to lose weight and get into shape, especially if you have tried and failed in the past. Sometimes getting help from a weight loss center such as Physicians WEIGHT LOSS is the best option.
The staff at both Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers in Lincoln is happy to share secrets on why its programs are so effective. Not every person responds the same way, or loses weight at the same rate; that’s why PWLC has developed six distinct and effective weight loss systems to meet different lifestyle needs. At PWLC, time is taken to teach good eating habits that will last a lifetime. Clients learn how to make wise nutritional choices that will help make an easy transition from the weight loss program into everyday eating in order to help keep off excess pounds and inches.
Everyone at Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers receives a personalized Consultation/Review with a staff physician to help match the program that best fits one’s individual lifestyle. And everyone at Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers receives a personal weight loss plan. Flexible meal plans provide choices so that individuals can manage their diet with ease. Dining out and special events are a welcome part of the weight management program, not a curse.
In addition, PWLC offers 150 highly specialized food, nutrition, and weight loss products to help make weight loss easy and effective. Many of these extraordinary products are exclusively formulated for PWLC to significantly impact weight loss. The Lincoln Centers also offer structured behavioral guidance classes in order to help teach clients how to think thin and develop better eating habits and positive attitudes.
Join a gym
According to Dave Kentopp of Anytime Fitness, “The most important thing to remember in setting a fitness goal is to be realistic. You must be careful to set a fitness regimen that is manageable, yet affective. Know how much time you can reasonably spend exercising, and make sure you schedule it at a time that is convenient and free from distractions. Make sure you devote enough time per week for exercise to attain the results you need and expect. A minimum of three workouts per week for a minimum of 30 minutes per workout is a good plan to consider.”
The Anytime Fitness concept was developed with the intention of making fitness easier with 24-hour convenience and a neighborhood atmosphere, where you can get in, get it done, and get on with your busy lifestyle. Conceived in 2002, Anytime Fitness is already the world’s largest co-ed fitness franchise chain. Members can access over 1200 locations, so it’s close to home for most people, and other clubs are accessible when you are traveling. With this kind of convenience, staying on your exercise program is less of a problem.
Starting out at a new gym can intimidate, which can be a negative factor in the drive to success. At Anytime Fitness, warm, friendly atmosphere is a top priority. There you will find people of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Anytime Fitness clubs are clean, upscale, and comfortable. If extra help is needed to move you to your goal, a personal trainer may be the key. At Anytime Fitness, certified, highly trained personal trainers are available to help you assess your needs, devise a plan, and guide you to success.
Join a boot camp
If you’ve tried and failed all the weight loss gimmicks, fad diets and pills out there and are looking for a better way to lose weight and get the body you’ve always wanted in 2010, then Capital City Boot Camps and FitBoxing could be your answers! According to Mike Bevard, founder of Capital City Boot Camps, “Our boot camp program offers a complete lifestyle program that guarantees results or double your money back! These are fun but intense workouts that cater to your busy lifestyle and burn fat nine times faster than ordinary fitness programs! Our programs provide accountability, social support and motivation to help you reach your goals and succeed to make this New Year’s resolution a reality.”
Try hypnosis
Many of us choose the New Year to make a new start, making New Year’s resolutions to do it. But, sadly, many of us never keep them. “The problem is we try to tough it out alone using sheer willpower,” says Jeff Martin of Lincoln Hypnosis. “However, many of the resolutions involve long-term habits and are difficult to change without help. That’s where hypnosis comes in. Hypnotherapy works. Quite simply, hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation where your subconscious mind is more receptive to ideas and suggestions. Hypnosis is a natural and effective technique for accessing the subconscious mind – the key to unleashing our potential, changing our unwanted habits and behaviors, and finding solutions to our problems and concerns.”
Hypnosis can help not only with weight loss, but also with other resolutions such as stopping smoking and self esteem issues. Lincoln Hypnosis offers free hypnosis screenings, so you have nothing to lose by going in and seeing if hypnosis might be the answer to help you with your resolutions.
Get out of Debt
After losing weight, possibly the second most popular resolution is to get out of debt. According to Neal Sergeant of United First Financial, “Let’s talk about motivation…if you’re not motivated to change, then stop right here. Why make a resolution only to later prove to yourself you can’t follow through? You have to start with self-reflection, seriously consider where you want to be in life, and decide if you want it badly enough to take specific actions. If the answer is yes, make a commitment and then create some very specific steps that will move you towards your goal.”
He goes on to say, “At United First Financial® we have a nationally acclaimed and award winning program that can help you create those specific achievable steps toward achieving your New Years resolution of getting out of debt…and we guarantee it in writing. We show you how to pay off a typical mortgage and any other debt in as little as 1/2 to 1/3 the time, without refinancing your existing mortgage, no additional money to your monthly payments, and little to no change in your life style.” If your resolution is to get out of debt, utilizing the help of United First Financial could be a great step in the right direction.
Your mortgage is just one part of the overall debt picture. Many people are also dealing with credit cards, loans or other debt that are eating up their monthly paychecks. Make this the year to put a dent in those debts or eliminate them altogether. Coming up with a plan is vital to executing this goal. If you’re money-savvy, you may be able to develop a plan on your to determine which debts need to be paid off first and how much of your monthly income should go toward these debts. However, if you’re not sure where to start, it’s a good idea to visit with a credit counselor, banker or other financial advisor who can assist you develop a strategy that will most efficiently resolve your debts.
Begin a new hobby
The new year is a great time to start a new hobby! Hobbies are wonderful because they fill up your free time in a productive manner, they can help with self-esteem, fitness or learning a new skill and they are great for meeting new people! Here are a few you might want to try out!
Martial arts
Martial arts can be more than just a hobby—it can be a whole new way of life. Not only will it help you get into shape and teach you a valuable skill, but it can also help with self-esteem, discipline and a host of other positive impacts on your life. Whether you want the pure cardio and fun of cardio kickboxing or you want to take actual taekwondo or karate classes, getting involved with martial arts will have a positive impact on your life and your health. If you are considering martial arts, make sure you check into the commitment involved and make sure you can fit it into your schedule. Also make sure you choose an academy where you get along with and respect the instructor as this person will have a major impact on how much you get out of your time spent there.
Many adults who have never been involved with dance classes think that it’s too late for them. However, everyone can benefit from the many positive things dance brings to their life, no matter what shape you are in or your skill level. Dance can help you express emotion, get into shape, meet new people or even create a new connection with your spouse or partner as you learn new dances together.
Spend more time with your family
In this day and age, it’s very easy to get wrapped up in everything going on around us and forget about what’s truly important—our families. We focus on career, civic activities and other issues and find that we aren’t spending the quality time with our family that we want. Whether your family consists of parents and sibling, a spouse, children who are still young or children who have already moved out of the house, it’s never too early or too late to make a vow to spend more time with those who matter the most. Here are some ideas.
Set aside a ‘family day’ One day a week is not too much to reserve to spend solely with family. Reserve a Saturday or Sunday to fill with activities, a special meal together or just to relax and enjoy being a family. If you can’t reserve an entire day, you can at least find an afternoon a week to fill with nothing but family. If you don’t currently have time for this, it’s an opportunity to go through your schedule and rearrange or eliminate other activities. Not having an afternoon a week to spend with your family is a clear indication that you need to take a serious look at your life and make changes.
Start a family activity Is there something you and your family love doing together? It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be board games, hiking or watching football on Sunday afternoons. As the old saying goes, the family that plays together, stays together. Having family activities that becomes a tradition is the perfect way to reconnect and make sure you are touching base on a regular basis with your spouse and children. It’s also a way to relate to each other as your children grow and their interests change.
Have family dinner If yours is one of the many families that consists of two working parents, it may be difficult to arrange to have dinner together. It becomes even more difficult when your children get older and begin getting involved in after-school activities. It may not be feasible to have dinner together every night, but don’t let this to never having dinner together. Even if you can only swing it on weekends or one or two days a week when there are no activities, it’s important to have these meals to bond as a family. Make it a point to talk about your weeks while you eat. This is a great time to start a tradition of telling what the best part of your week was or to relate what you are grateful for in your life. This is also a good time to get the kids involved in the kitchen. No matter what their age, they can assist with cooking, cleaning up or setting the table.
Professional Resolutions
Plan for retirement
Matt Ferris of Ferris Financial comments, “2010 offers a myriad of opportunities for businesses and individuals to plan for retirement. On an individual basis, tax laws were amended to allow for Roth IRA conversions for everyone, regardless of income, with the ability to spread the tax liability over a three year period. This is the biggest opportunity for planning in 2010. On the business front, 2010 would be a great time to review the type of retirement plan they offer employees. The current plan could be obsolete when compared to the low cost plans available today. Business owners can choose between several plans varying from a SEP to SIMPLE to 401k. They need to visit with their financial professional to see what’s right for their particular business.”
Have a clean office
No one likes to work in a dirty office—not you as the business owner, not your employees and certainly not your clients or potential clients who come in! Make 2010 the year to resolve to have a clean office. The best part? You don’t even have to do any of the work yourself! Hire a company such as Performance Chores to do your office cleaning on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending on your needs, and have the peace of mind that you will be coming into a clean office every morning in the new year.
Work with a coach
No matter how successful your business is, there is always the opportunity to take it to the next level.
That’s where working with a business coach comes in. John Radway, an executive coach with Leadership Resources, says “New Year’s Resolutions are a great way to start thinking long-term. Whether you want to lose 50 pounds or triple your business revenue, you need a clear picture of where you’re headed. Don’t just think about your goals, write them down. Find a mentor or hire a coach to keep you accountable to achieving those goals.”
Lori Botz, a certified coach with Coach2Win, says, “Most all of us start out the New Year’s with a resolution and some have just quit making resolutions because the fact is most of us never put the right things in place to pursue something we think we want. I love the quote by Albert Einstein, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” Make 2010 a new way of looking at the things you want with a new way of thinking. Hire a think coach and make your 2010 a new way to achieve the success you’ve always wanted to have.”
Have a More Fashionable 2010!
Fashion has always been a big part of Paige’s life as she was a Fashion Merchandising major in college and has always tried to keep up on the latest fashions and trends. As we’ve continued to get involved in the fashion industry through our Best Dressed events and our many boutique advertisers, all of us here at the magazine have made a vow to make 2010 our most fashionable!!
One of the ways we will do that is by continuing to shop local. If you haven’t checked out all the locally owned boutiques here in Lincoln, you are truly missing out. From the great jeans at Blu Velvet, to the trendy dresses at Stella to the awesome handbags at Simply Elegance and fashionable jewelry at Rachel’s Boutique, you simply can’t do better than shopping right here in Lincoln.
After the holidays is a great time to shop your local boutiques. Many of them are offering after holiday sales and you can pick up some great deals. You can also use some of the Christmas money you got this year (and you don’t even have to feel guilty about buying things for yourself since you just spent a month or more shopping for other people!).
If one of your resolutions is to have a more fashionable 2010, welcome to the club!! We’d love to challenge you to create your own style and always be on the lookout for fashion mentors. Going to local events is a great way to find those people whose style you admire and would like to learn from. Remember, copying someone’s look doesn’t show your own personality, but taking tips from those who always look great is the perfect way to improve your own fashion sense. While you’re out there looking for fashion mentors, make sure you’re also keeping an eye out for Best Dressed nominations for 2010!! We are already taking nominations, so please go to our website and nominate people now or you can always call or email our offices to make your nominations!
New Year’s Resolutions
We’re pleased this year to feature some of the resolutions from our clients and readers!
Open two more Tiger Rock Academies and create at least four more jobs within Tiger Rock Academy to give others opportunities for leadership, growth and career development. Personally, compete in at least two triathlons or adventure races while reducing body fit back to single digits again. –Jeff Dousharm, Tiger Rock Academy
To meet someone new everyday…from anywhere! Bank, gym, lunch, etc. –Cali Hlavac, A Sound Impression
To never lose sight of the fact that our clients and the trust that they instill in us always takes a top priority. –Shane and Sunny, Shane & Sunny Photography
Attend two networking events a week and have weekly team meetings with my staff to increase productivity. –Sara Brown, Bella Signature Events
In 2010, I’ve resolved to be a kind and loving husband, and to serve my community with a spirit of humility and empathy toward my neighbors, regardless of their situation. –Matt Gersib, Snitily Carr
Live Life BIG without limits!–Coach Lori Botz, Coach2Win
I resolve to clear my desk before I go home each night (even if I just dump it into a folder that says “Yesterday’s Mess”).—Will Hays, Peoples City Mission
Professional: Get out of the office, away from my desk, to spend more time working with WasteCap’s membership, assisting them to achieve their environmental stewardship goals. Personal: To play more with my family.—Rozz Beckman, WasteCap
Strictly Business Staff Resolutions
Of course, writing about everyone else’s New Year’s Resolutions has also made us think about our own. Here are some resolutions from our staff for 2010!
Personally, I want to feel good about taking time for myself. Healthwise, I want to get up to running 6-8 miles (currently at 4) and continue some light body building. Professionally I want to grow the Omaha magazine from 32 pages to 48 and hit my sales goals every month!—Angela Lee
To try to stay ahead of the game and be one day ahead.—Mercedes Meza
To have personal organization in the workstation and better time management.—Jill Mathis
Spend more time with family and friends. Live life in the moment…don’t wait for tomorrow. Volunteer in the community. Get fit!—Tanya Schultz
I’ve been working with Lori Botz at Coach2Win and she has really helped me see the ‘big picture’, so here are mine: To become more organized. To declutter. To learn which chaos in my life I can live without. And to focus more on long-term goals.—Paige Zutavern
To focus on the important things in life and always try to be the best role model for my daughter.—Angela Woltman
Become more organized and lose 20 pounds.—Sonny Hill
To work on having my life in balance.—Alicia Olson
To start You New Year’s off right and use these great local companies
Any Lab Test Now – Get energized with a a B12 injection today
Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers – #1 New Year’s Resolution
Capital City Bootcamps – Lincoln’s Only guaranteed fat loss solution
Lincoln Hypnosis – Quit Smoking with Hypnosis Weight Loss Plans
UFirst – Money Merge Account get out of debt
Madonna ProActive – A healthier you is within reach
Anytime Fitness – Your best choice for a healthy lifestyle
Ferris Financial Group – Achieve your long-term financial objectives with us
Women’s Clinic of Lincoln – Excellence in women’s health care
Leadership Resources – Your next level of success
Coach2Win – Together we can reach your goals of playing a better and bigger game
Tiger Rock Academy – Martial arts and health and fitness academy