Men’s Health

While many things about our health are essentially the same for men and women alike, there are also differences between the two genders that are important to take into account. As the saying goes, health is wealth, and just as much for men as for women, maintaining good health requires being proactive and staying educated, establishing good habits, making the necessary lifestyle adjustments to correct or eliminate any existing issues, and for all of the aforementioned, utilizing the expertise of the experts who have dedicated themselves to their specific areas of expertise for guidance and support. Living in this day and age, we know a whole lot more about health and wellness than ever before, so it only makes sense to take full advantage of the wealth of resulting benefits.

Nutrition and regular activity are basic factors that have an impact on all of our body’s central functions. With an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food and drink options often the most easily accessible, many adults struggle with weight issues that can ultimately have a serious health consequences. This being the case for men of all ages, a healthy diet and exercise are a great place to start for those who are committed to making lifestyle changes that are in their best interests.

In fact, according to recent statistics provided by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), almost 3 in 4 men in the U.S., or 74% to be exact, are considered to be overweight or obese. In addition to physical health, body image factors into our wellness, affecting our mental and emotional health as well. A science based on intake and output, balance is only achieved when a person’s lifestyle—their daily actions and choices—is in harmony with their goals. When it comes to successfully losing weight and keeping it off, the only solutions that are both effective and health-conscious are the ones that are focused on achieving long-term results. There are so many different products on the market that making a decision as to what will work best for an individual is overwhelming and confusing to say the least. As many of us can identify with the struggles of losing weight, mainly when it comes to finding something that really works, it only makes sense to enlist the guidance and support of the professionals who are dedicated to the health of their clients and are there to help every step of the way.

As the name indicates, being physician-supervised, Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers ensures that you are losing weight in a healthy way, as their programs are tailored to each individual with that at the forefront. They also provide a 100% money-back guarantee that if you follow the program, you’ll get the results.

Nancy Hopkins Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers

Nancy Hopkins

“Our diet-specific programs are offered to men to help them lose weight, which in turn helps them to achieve a healthier lifestyle in the process,” says Nancy Hopkins, General Manager of the Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers Lincoln location in Williamsburg Village.  “With weight loss comes the benefits of lower blood pressure, lower risk of diabetes, and reduced risk of heart disease. Our diets help to build muscle while losing weight, which is a very important step in dieting. In addition to our six core programs, our male clients are also commonly utilizing LipoGenics, a non-invasive treatment that we offer at PWLC, for toning and skin tightening of problem areas such as the abdomen, muffin tops and love handles. Much like spa services, clients enjoy the half hour of rest and relaxation they get during a treatment session in addition to the impressive results, which are evident with as little as one treatment in some cases. Everything we offer is customizable, and is working towards helping our clients achieve a healthier lifestyle that not only benefits them in a number of ways, but everyone around them as well. We all have family and friends that depend on us, and it’s also important for men to be good role models for the younger generation in terms of adopting a healthy way of life. This starts with achieving a balance of proper diet, regular exercise that takes into account muscle development, and last but not least, making better choices in life to stay healthy in a world that’s increasingly more toxic.”


Julie Boyd
Herbs & More

Indeed, exposure to toxins–even the ones that we put into our own bodies–is at an all-time high. Natural supplements and holistic remedies are becoming much more commonplace, and moreover, are proven to be an effective alternative in most cases. “At Herbs & More we carry many dietary supplements that support men’s health and wellness,” says Julie Boyd, owner of Herbs & More. “For example, ‘Equolibrium’ is a daily supplement from Nature’s Sunshine that helps support healthy prostate function and urinary flow without side effects, and also helps improve sleep duration. Or there’s the Nature’s Plus energy supplements known as ‘T Male,’ which is a natural testosterone booster. These are just a few of the many products we offer in the store that utilize natural ingredients to support continued health and wellness. We find it to be the most rewarding when we can help our clients discover solutions derived from Mother Nature that will improve their quality of life.”

As most men spend a significant amount of time devoted to their careers, it’s important to understand how that factors into overall health and wellness, specifically as it relates to the workplace environment and demands of the job. Many workplaces are implementing wellness programs that are designed and implemented by healthcare professionals, and that trend is only gaining steam as due to popular demand from the workforce, it’s become central part of recruiting and retention of the top talent in the market.

Katie Tiedeman-Proactive Solutions, Inc.-Headshot

Katie Tiedeman
Proactive Solutions, Inc.

Specifically related to men’s health in the workplace, Katie Tiedeman, Midwest Regional Manager of Proactive Solutions, Inc. advises, “We provide a personalized approach in working with men to be able to maintain or build up their physical stability based on the characteristics and requirements of their work environment. Whether you are working in a sedentary environment and needing to balance that with increased activity for maintaining a healthy lifestyle vs. working in a high paced manual labor environment and needing to strengthen and protect your body from wear and tear, we can design a program that meets your needs. Repetitive situations can lead to physical breakdown of our bodies long before we expect and having the expertise of an on-site Physical or Occupational Therapist can provide you with the tools to do your job to the best of your potential while protecting your body to be able to thrive for years to come.

Ultimately we would all like to avoid any type of health situation that requires medical attention. By having an on-site specialist to consult when you have a health question, you are much more likely to address the issue when it is small and easy to fix. Proactive Solutions provides this opportunity to clients representing a broad range of industries. However, sometimes avoiding a surgery to address a health concern is unavoidable. When you are left with no choice but to proceed with a surgery, it can affect your ability to perform your required job duties or return to work in a timely manner. Proactive Solutions provides on-site physical, occupational, and massage therapy that can allow people to return to work at a much faster rate while they are recovering.”

She adds, “Men still tend to overlook or underestimate the importance of regular health screenings and reducing the physical strain on their bodies. The old mentality of ‘tough it out’ or ‘no pain, no gain’ can lead to health conditions that become very challenging and costly to reverse or repair. Many health conditions can be managed and minimized if we are aware of the early warning signs. Rather than put off seeking medical consultation, it is far better to have a problem or question addressed early for the least amount of negative impact to your health. Keeping your body safe and in shape in our younger years will lead to a much more enjoyable retirement!”

Dr. Steve G. Dunder-Southeast Nebraska Cancer Center-Headshot

Dr. Steve G. Dunder Southeast Nebraska Cancer Center

Men’s Health Month just came to a close at the end of June, and each year it brings critical awareness to health issues that men are facing. With cancer being an epidemic that affects us all in some way, Steven G. Dunder, MD, Medical Oncologist at the Southeast Nebraska Cancer Center, provides some eye-opening information that men should be aware of regarding cancer statistics, screening and the importance of a healthy lifestyle:

“Men’s Health Month was created to raise awareness in men to help prevent health problems, encourage early detection and enable better possible treatments of disease. The number of men getting cancer is rising. This is partly because men are living longer than ever before. The good news is that the number of men surviving is also increasing. Overall, men are 14% more likely to get cancer than women. There are a number of reasons for this.(

Diagnosing cancer early is an important factor in successful treatment. Being aware of possible symptoms, knowing what is normal for you, and knowing what should prompt a visit to the doctor helps in earlier diagnosis. Cancers that just affect men are prostate, testicular, and penile cancers.

Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men. The American Cancer Society’s estimates for prostate cancer in the United States for 2016 are:

• About 180,890 new cases of prostate cancer
• About 26,120 deaths from prostate cancer

One in seven men will receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer in their lifetime.  African-American men are at highest risk for this type of cancer. Steps to help prevent it include not smoking, staying at a healthy weight, following a healthy diet that limits high-fat dairy products and processed meats and being physically active.

The American Cancer Society recommends that men make an informed decision with their doctor about whether to be tested for prostate cancer. Starting at age 50, talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of testing so you can decide if getting tested is the right choice for you. If you are African American or have a father or brother who had prostate cancer before age 65, you should have this talk with your doctor starting at age 45.

As a medical oncologist, I cannot stress enough the importance of screening and taking care of yourself.  Knowing about these cancers and how they can be prevented or found early can possibly save your life.”

For men of all ages, there are numerous things that can be done in an effort to stay as healthy as possible, now and well into the future. Health is something that shouldn’t ever be taken for granted, and we are lucky today that many of the health conditions and diseases that men are facing can be prevented or treated—if found or addressed early. It’s well worth the investment in yourself and those you love to be proactive about your health, which will allow you to live life to the fullest.

Click one of the following links to see all of their News & Info on Strictly Business Physicians WEIGHT LOSS CentersHerbs & MoreProactive SolutionsSoutheast Nebraska Cancer Center