Better Business Bureau Addresses Red Flags of Identity Theft

The Better Business Bureau (BBB; knows that business ID theft is real, and they have addressed a couple red flags so owners can ensure they are protecting their company. Running a business has so many moving components; it can be hard to keep track of everything. That is especially true in light of all that small businesses are having to do to stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic. You want to be sure you are doing all you can to protect your business’s reputation and take steps to prevent business identity theft.

Small- and medium-size businesses are also at risk, not just big-name businesses. Criminals can steal a business’s identity by gaining access to financial or other sensitive information. They also have a variety of ways in, including hacking, malware, phishing emails, and swiping credit card information.

Businesses should be wary of these red flags of identity theft:

  • You receive a request to verify orders you didn’t place.
  • You receive phone calls from someone trying to verify an address for your business that is not associated with your company or that you cannot confirm.
  • You receive invoices for storage, shipping, or other services that you did not purchase.
  • You are a victim of a phishing attempt or a business email compromise (BEC) scam.

For tips to protect your business from identity theft and more information to help you through the COVID-19 pandemic, turn to the Better Business Bureau by going online to