Lincoln CBMC Wraps Up Great Year of Support to Business Leaders
2015 was the premier year for Lincoln CBMC’s Executive Roundtable. This 10-man group, all leaders of multi-million dollar businesses, used Harvard Business School web-based materials along with the Bible and theological writings to explore topics ranging from “What Is a God-Pleasing Business” to “Ethics.” Designed to ensure maximum value to participants, this exciting new undertaking couples biblical principles and the practical experience of business leaders.
Besides the monthly Executive Roundtable, CBMC’s Leadership Institute conducted four Monthly Business Forums during 2015. The results: As of November, several of the businesses represented in the forums have experienced double-digit growth including increases in staff, revenue, and services to the community.
When businesses operate according to Godly principles, everybody wins! If you would like more information about or would like to be involved in the Leadership Institute of CBMC, please contact Ed at or (402) 730-8797.