ELBA Accepts Nominations for Spring 2019 Board of Directors

The East Lincoln Business Association (ELBA; elbalincoln.com) will be electing new board members in early Spring 2019. Anyone interested in running is encouraged to talk to a current board member.

Current board members include: Karla Wilson, president; Laurie Fraser, vice president; Jacquie Hirschman-Eller, treasurer; Darren Lichty, treasurer; Doug Florer, secretary; Andrew Hartley, secretary; Sara Boardman, website; Cory Hoagstrom, membership; Tim Kirkpatrick, speaker line-up; Jen Wolf-Wubbels, social media; and Daine Patton, ELBA-U.

ELBA currently has 80+ active members who meet monthly to discuss the events impacting our business environment. There is a special opportunity to join now and get one month free!  New members who pay with dues for 2019 now will receive December free. Initial annual membership cost is $50 with a renewal of $40 per year. A luncheon in hosted at Firethorn at 11 a.m. on the third Thursday of each month and prospective members are invited to attend any upcoming luncheon to learn more about the group. The next event will be on December 20.

The East Lincoln Business Association exists to support and strengthen businesses located in East Lincoln by providing networking, promotion, and representation. For more information, visit elbalincoln.com.