Elite Home Cleaning Now Offers Home Space Organization Services

LaShasta Messinger, owner of Elite Home Cleaning Service LLC, has added new services to meet more needs of her residential clients in Lincoln. In addition to weekly, biweekly, and monthly house cleanings and deep cleans for rental properties, LaShasta is now also focusing on home space organizing. She can come in and help you maximize your space by making it clean and functional— whether it’s your laundry room, kitchen pantry, office space, or LaShasta’s favorite, your closet! LaShasta can help you organize your closet by color and style, including clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. She can even help you sort through unwanted items, and then she’ll box and seal them and take them to a charity donation center. LaShasta creates organizational solutions that fit your lifestyle and are attractive to your taste.

LaShasta is married to a farmer and together they have four children. As a homemaker for 14 years, she decided that her sweet spot was organizing and cleaning. She enjoys helping others bring order to their spaces and in their lives. Realizing how busy and overwhelming life can be for moms and professional women, LaShasta focuses on each individual clients’ needs and then takes the burden of home organization off their shoulders. She believes in good, old-fashion customer service. It starts with a visit in a consultation where the client can express their specific concerns and then a plan is crafted in partnership.

To learn more about the home cleaning and organizing services offered through Elite Home Cleaning Service LLC, contact LaShasta at (402) 237-9212 or go online to elitehomecleaningservices.pro.