Fantastically Focused to Offer College Application Coaching This Summer

Fantastically Focused ( ADHD Coaching and Support is excited to announce that they will be offering a College Application Coaching Package this summer for teens with ADHD who will be high school juniors and seniors during the 2016-17 school year.

The college application process can be overwhelming and frustrating for students and parents alike.  Add ADHD into the mix and you have a recipe for strained relationships, frustration and being overwhelmed to the point of total shutdown.  ADHD Coach Jennifer Kampfe’s College Application Coaching Package will help students plot out all of the steps in the application process and set a plan of action to complete these steps, as well as holding them accountable for completion.

Fantastically Focused provides ADHD coaching and support to students, parents and families impacted by ADHD.  Coaching helps bring a real understanding of ADHD and provides clients with individualized tools to help with organization, structure and routine at home and school.

To find out more or to get registered, please contact Jennifer Kampfe at (402) 613-6646 or via email at For more information about Fantastically Focused ADHD Coaching and Support, visit