Hands of Heartland Celebrates New Lincoln Location and Expanded Services

Hands of Heartland (www.handsofheartland.com) celebrated the opening of its new Lincoln location at 7501 O St. with a ribbon cutting conducted by the Lincoln Chamber. The event took place on July 21 and was attended by staff and close friends. Tours were given of the new office space and guests were able to meet the staff and learn about all the services they offer. This marks Hands of Heartland’s fifth Nebraska location, with additional offices in Omaha, Bellevue, Grand Island, West Point, and Fremont. Brett Samson is president of operations-Midwest and Cheri Rychly, the area director and Jennifer Meints oversees community outreach efforts.

Hands of Heartland is privately owned and operated, which is congruent to how they focus their services on the people. The organization was established in 1998 and has been dedicated to serving adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. It is their mission to do this with integrity, transparency, and respect. Hands of Heartland believes that people with developmental disabilities are people first. They believe that all persons have the right to live, be employed, learn, grow within their surroundings, and interact within the community. Quality of staff is of the utmost importance—hiring only the most motivated, knowledgeable, and trained people in order to uphold creativity, innovation, and determination in the delivery of services. For more information about the different services that are offered or employment opportunities, visit Hands of Heartland at www.handsofheartland.com or call (402) 933-0680.