Leadership Harbor Launches Summer Crew

Club Remix for Young Students, Grades 3-5 Leadership Harbor (www.leadershipharbor.com) Coach Chris Hansen and 12-year-old Dax Howland—World Champion martial artist, spokeskid for the Be the Voice® Anti-Bullying program, and one of the newest members of John Maxwell Team’s Youth Certification— joined forces to organize a Crew Club “Remix” program for students in grades 3-5 this summer. The program will teach the young students about the true “Power of ONE” that arises from encouragement and inspiration. Through a private Facebook group, YouTube channel, and the Leadership Harbor site, the program will deliver weekly content and challenges for Remix Kids to learn from and participate in. Parents, you can listen in and participate, too!

Remix breaks the summer program into three parts: The Power of “I Am,” which focuses on self-esteem and confidence; The Power of “I Can,” which addresses believing and discipline; and “The Power of “I Will,” to learn the importance of communication and respect. Crew Club Remix aims to deliver three to five pieces of content each week to engage, encourage, and challenge participating Remixers, plus a special Remix swag each month. Kids who complete all three months will also earn a Remix T-shirt and Remix Leader Certificate! Throughout each segment, Chris and Dax will appear on livestream to share their journeys, lead participants to grow as leaders—and have some fun, too! Students can join for a single month or the entire summer, can participate even when they’re on vacation, and are guaranteed to have an awesome answer to the age-old question: “What did you do this summer?” when they return to school in the fall!

The cost to participate in Leadership Harbor’s 2021 Crew Club Remix program is just $39 a month, or $117 for the entire summer, with discounts available for additional children in the same household. Register today at leadershipharbor.com/ccremix!