LHRMA Announces June Meeting
The Lincoln Human Resource Management Association (LHRMA, lincolnhr.org) will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 14th at the SCC Continuing Education Center. The luncheon topic is Retention of Documents & Cyber Risk, beginning at 11:30 a.m. presented by Rick Jefferies with Cline Williams, followed by a workshop at 1:15 p.m. titled Policies in Your Handbook That Are Stupid. Register online at www.lincolnhr.org by Friday June 10th.
Be sure to mark your calendars to attend LHRMA’s Strategic HR Forums being held July 12th, August 9th and October 11th.
LHRMA is the go-to resource on people management for the community. LHRMA connects professionals to solve every day workforce problems, provides quality education, collaborates with community leaders, and leads change for our industry. The organization is comprised of 400 Human Resources professionals from the greater Lincoln area and welcomes new members. For more information about LHRMA, please visit lincolnhr.org.
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