On Tuesday, April 7th, the citizens of Lincoln will have the opportunity to make their voices heard in the primary elections. Four years ago, the Lincoln Independent Business Association Political Action Committee (LIBA PAC) endorsed Chris Beutler for Mayor. Today, the LIBA PAC is announcing its endorsement for Andy Stebbing.

In making its decision, the PAC members felt that a set of fresh ideas would serve the community well. As County Treasurer, Stebbing has demonstrated a willingness to change government to better serve the citizens. As a Mayoral candidate Stebbing recognizes the need for more police officers to keep our city safe and to increase the “clearance rate” of burglaries that disrupt area businesses. Stebbing is also committed to holding the line on taxes. In fact, Stebbing has also promised to fix our streets while working toward a reasonable reduction in the Wheel Tax. LIBA vigorously fought the 37% increase in the current Wheel Tax and believes the tax is excessive.

The LIBA PAC thanks Mayor Beutler for his service to Lincoln. Now the LIBA PAC is asking its members to support Andy Stebbing for Mayor.

For more information on LIBA visit Liba.org or call 402-466-3419.