NAWIC Greater Omaha Chapter 116 Wins Midwest Region Video Contest

NAWIC Midwest Region—The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC; Midwest Region (MWR)—has announced the MWR 2020 Membership & Marketing Video Contest Winner. NAWIC Greater Omaha Chapter 116 claims the top prize for the second year in a row with their latest video titled, “I Wonder if Girls Could do That? YOU CAN!” The video opens with a young girl looking through the chain link fence of an active jobsite as she asks, “I wonder if girls could do that.” The video features women working in the construction industry doing their jobs as they reinforce the answer, YOU CAN. The video can be found on YouTube.

The national NAWIC 2020 Video Marketing & Membership Contest (#NAWICVIDEOCONTEST) was launched to encourage all NAWIC chapters to use videos as marketing and membership tools. Contest requirements included having the video be between 1–3 minutes long, must include pictures or video, and must have sound or music. Each of the eight NAWIC Regions selects one winner from among the entries submitted by chapters in its region, and then submits that entry to compete for the national awards. Two awards will be recognized and showcased at the NAWIC Annual Conference 2020 in August in Houston, Texas, and on the National website! The Marketing Award recognizes creativity and design, and the Membership Award for shares on social media. The NAWIC MWR is excited the Greater Omaha Chapter 116 will be representing the Nebraska Region in the NAWIC national competition.

Receiving its national charter in 1955, The National Association of Women in Construction has 3,949 current active members in 118 chapters across the United States. The core purpose of the organization is to strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry. The NAWIC Midwest Region has member chapters in the states of Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Learn more at