NebraskaLink (, a communications company providing state-of-the-art fiber-optic network access across Nebraska, has formally announced that they have completed a project connecting all Lincoln Public Libraries through a newly constructed fiber-optic network that will allow for virtually unlimited Internet access. The library located at 27th and South Street was the eighth and final library to be connected marking the completion of the project.

The fiber construction began with a $334,000 grant from the Nebraska Public Service Commission to connect all eight city library locations. NebraskaLink also invested in the project with an in-kind contribution exceeding $600,000 which included access to existing NebraskaLink infrastructure, fiber, equipment and labor. Prior to the network expansion, Lincoln City libraries had access to 20 Mbps for Internet connectivity. Since the completion of this project, each library now has access to 1 Gbps, a nearly 1,000% increase in broadband speed for library patrons. NebraskaLink continues to expand its fiber-optic network through fiber builds in other locations.

Offering a full suite of communications services, including Ethernet Transport and direct Internet access, NebraskaLink is connecting business, industry and government entities across the state of Nebraska, setting a new standard for reliability. For more information, please visit or call (402) 817-1878 to visit with a NebraskaLink team member.