Talent Plus Launches New Generation of Workforce and Succession Planning Models
Talent Plus, Inc.® (www.talentplus.com) is the leading partner in building and sustaining high-performing, fully-engaged cultures through talent selection, development and analytics. Strategic Workforce Planning and Succession Planning are structured processes to align an organization’s skills, knowledge and talent with the business strategy in order to identify potential roadblocks, Future Size your organization and understand where there is a need for coaching and investing to prepare employees.
“Organizations striving to be competitive in this age of data visualization, technology automation, mass retirement and the ‘Gig Economy’ would be wise to have a structured program for retaining, developing and promoting the most talented staff to move them into the future,” according to Don Tomlinson, Chief Information Officer for Talent Plus. “Talent Plus’ combination of state-of-the-art data visualization and The Science of Talent® allows organizations to map their workforce according to geography, performance, talent potential and readiness.”
PWC CEO Survey states that “70% of CEOs say availability of key skills is a top threat to their company.” This new analytics-based visual process allows real-time data to visually depict the next people in line based on talent, identifying individuals who can then be trained for next-level leadership.
While the Workforce Planning tools focus on the organization, from frontline leadership to middle managers and supervisors, Succession Planning focuses more heavily on upper management and c-suite roles. Both processes determine levels of talent for leadership. Based on the current roles and scale of the workforce, the tools used to deliver the science will be chosen to be the best fit.
To learn more about The Science of Talent and how it aligns with Workforce and Succession Planning, visit www.talentplus.com, email solutions@talentplus.com, or call 1-800-VARSITY today.