Talent Plus, Inc. (www.talentplus.com) is honored to be named by Modern Healthcare as one of the best places to work in the United States. As the leading Talent Assessment Partner ® in the industry, Talent Plus is excited to partner with health care organizations that are focusing on innovative solutions in this ever-changing environment.
Ranked number 86 overall for suppliers and providers, Talent Plus was number 44 on the supplier only list. Judges evaluate an organization’s culture by looking at general business information, as well as responses from an in-depth employee survey to determine rankings.
Talent Plus is committed to helping its client partners see real results that impact their bottom line while improving patient satisfaction, safety and quality. Utilizing The Science of Talent ® enables health care companies to select the very best clinical and non-clinical personnel to sustain a strong future. This honor is a testament to the culture at Talent Plus, which is due in large part to the science put behind selecting its own associates.
The view the complete list, visit http://www.modernhealthcare.com/community/best-places/2015/.
Talent Plus, Inc. is an internationally recognized management consulting firm with over 400 clients in 20 countries delivering The Science of Talent ® through interviews and assessments in more than 20 languages. Headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska, Talent Plus also has an office in Singapore.
To learn more about Talent Plus visit us at www.talentplus.com.