Women in Sales & Business to Host Monthly Meeting on March 11
The Women in Sales & Business (www.wisblincoln.ning.com) (WISB) monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 11, at The Venue in the NE/Lancaster Rooms at 4111 Pioneer Woods Dr. The meeting starts with lunch at 11:30 a.m. with program following from 11:55 a.m. until 1 p.m. Cost is $16 which includes lunch (cost is $10 if you only attend the meeting).
Event speaker will be Dr. Todd Roberts with Aceso Total Healthcare, an integrative medicine practice in Lincoln which uses traditional medical practices mixed with acupuncture, yoga therapy, massage therapy, natural supplements, and hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Roberts will speak about the science of weight management and how most of what people have learned in the past is wrong. In addition, he will provide information on how intermittent fasting can lead to healthy, effective weight loss.
Dr. Roberts received his MD at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and has always been interested in alternative therapies. Receiving certification in acupuncture from UCLA and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy from WorldLink Medical, he felt the time was right to start an integrative medicine practice.
Women in Sales & Business began meeting in 1987 to offer business women in Lincoln the opportunity to network within an all-female setting. Today, their goal is to encourage and develop creative leadership in women. They are dedicated to promoting growth through the accumulation and sharing of knowledge and are always looking for new members to join! Please learn more or register for the March event online at www.wisblincoln.ning.com or the WISB Facebook page (@wisblincoln).