IQM Celebrates 25th Anniversary, Showcases Ardis & Robert James Collection

Friends of the International Quilt Museum, the supporting organization of the International Quilt Museum (IQM,, is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the museum by showing three exhibitions from the Ardis & Robert James Collection. The Jameses’ donation of 1,000 historical quilts in 1997 established the IQM and formed the core of the museum’s collection. Today, the IQM’s collection includes more than 6,000 quilts from five different centuries and over 60 countries.

To commemorate the anniversary, IQM is showcasing An Evolving Vision: The James Collection, 1997 – 2022 — Classics, an exhibition that will be on view through October 29. It highlights historically significant pieces that represent the groundbreaking findings in quilt research over the last 25 years. An Evolving Vision documents the significance of the James Collection but also underscores the broad vision its collectors developed not only for themselves, but for the museum they so vitally helped shape.

Two other exhibitions that present pieces from the Jameses’ original donation will be shown in the near future: New Horizons, quilt traditions from around the world, will be exhibited April 29 – October 29; and From the Studio, early and innovative art pieces from the collection will be on view from May 6 – October 12.

The International Quilt Museum, located on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus at 33rd and Holdrege, is dedicated to building a global collection and audience that celebrates the cultural and artistic significance of quilts. Visit for more information.