Shaun T, creator of wildly popular fitness DVD programs such as Insanity, T25, Asylum and Hip Hop Abs will be making an appearance in Lincoln to help you kick off your New Year’s resolution to get healthy and fit!   The full-day event will feature a motivational and inspiring life, weight loss and business training session in the morning, followed by a live workout with Shaun T in the afternoon.  If you have done Shaun’s workouts, or are ready to refocus and get fit in the new year, this is a must-attend event!  Tickets will be first-come, first-served and the event is expected to sell out quickly so register early!   Event will feature a professional photo opportunity with Shaun T for all VIP ticket holders as well as a great workout where you’ll get the chance to try some of his newest moves from his new INSANITY MAX:30 workout which is expected to be released sometime in December.

For more information and to register for this event, go to  Kristin Hain of Healthy Home Fitness will be your personal host and help you get ready for the workout and get the most out of the event.