TFLC Prepares to Celebrate the Great American Smokeout November 18

Tobacco Free Lancaster County (TFLC,, the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, and area businesses are once again collaborating to promote tobacco-free living in Lincoln and Lancaster County. #GASOLNK impacted over 8,000 individuals in 2020 and TFLC is hoping to affect even more this year as the event is expanding to include Lancaster County businesses with #GASOLancasterCoNe.

GASO, or the Great American Smokeout, has been hosted by the American Cancer Society for more than 40 years on the third Thursday of November. The GASO event challenges people to stop smoking and helps people learn about the many tools they can use to help them quit and stay quit.

The theme, ‘Who Do You Know?’, recognizes that while most people don’t use tobacco products, we are all impacted by tobacco use. FREE, ready-to-use resources are available for businesses, schools, and non-profit organizations across Lancaster County to help educate employees on how to support those wanting to quit tobacco use and promote tobacco-free living. Participating businesses will be recognized and the Tobacco-Free Business Champion will be featured during the event.

Tobacco Free Lancaster County works to protect the public by eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke, preventing youth from starting to use tobacco, providing tobacco education to all populations, and encouraging people to quit. Find out more about the program, register for the Great American Smokeout for FREE, and apply to be a Tobacco-Free Business Champion at