Catholic Social Services Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary of St. Gianna Women’s Homes

May 2021 marked Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska (’s 10th anniversary of providing long-term support and housing at St. Gianna Women’s Homes for survivors of domestic violence and other abuse and control. Staffed by the Marian Sisters, this residential complex in Lincoln comprises 24 apartment units, including six one-bedroom units, 12 two-bedroom units, and six three-bedroom units. These fully-furnished apartments fill the need to give women and their children time and support before transitioning into permanent housing. St. Gianna’s also offers a range of other services to residents, including education, employment services, and counseling. Each family is provided a safe and secure environment to cope with the trauma caused by abuse, become financially self-sufficient, and learn how to develop healthy relationships in the future.

Whether they stay at St. Gianna’s for three months or three years, Catholic Social Services clients must often overcome great challenges as they begin to heal from the trauma of their abuse—physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. Barriers may include homelessness, poverty, unemployment, PTSD, anxiety, addiction, or no social support system. Indeed, the road to recovery is difficult, but survivors are incredibly resilient, and the majority of St. Gianna’s clients successfully complete the program after receiving the support needed to become independent.
In addition to St. Gianna Women’s Homes, Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska provides food pantry services, emergency services including rent and utility assistance, disaster relief, refugee and immigration services, and a clinical and family counseling program throughout Nebraska, regardless of faith. For more information about St. Gianna Women’s Homes or other services, visit or call (402) 474-1600.