Catholic Social Services of South Nebraska Launches Food Truck Festival Program

In response to the growing need in Lincoln, Catholic Social Services (CSS) of Southern Nebraska recently began bringing in a local food truck to serve meals on Sundays from 4-6 p.m. Those in need of a free meal can either walk or drive to the CSS lot at 23rd and O Street every Sunday to get a to-go meal from The Pasta Place. Volunteers have even been walking meals to homeless individuals on the nearby trails and delivering them to the downtown area. In the future, CSS hopes to expand the event to include paying customers.
“We see this as a unique opportunity to support local business owners while remaining consistent with our mission of feeding the hungry, said Katie Patrick, regional director of social services for CSS.”

The eventual goal of the program is to build community by inviting the public and local parishes to come eat a meal with those who are less fortunate. Currently, the food truck arrives on Sundays with 50 prepared meals to distribute on a first-come, first-served basis. As the project grows, so too will the capacity to increase the number of meals provided, as well as the number of meals available for purchase. In the meantime, donations are greatly appreciated.

Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska is a nonprofit agency of the Catholic Dioceses of Lincoln that performs works of mercy in response to the call of God. For more information or to donate to the Food Truck Festival program, contact Volunteer Coordinator Jeremy Sousek at / (402) 327-6245.