CBD American Shaman Selling New Year, New You Sampler Package for CBD Beginners

CBD American Shaman (cbdoflincoln.com) is selling their New Year, New You sampler package at all three locations for people who are new to or curious about CBD products! The package will include three 5ml bottles of water soluble CBGo, CBD, and CBNight, in addition to a Topical Cream Packet. This affordable sampler pack is perfect for those who want to experience first-hand everything CBD can do: the CBGo is a quick pick-me-up that’ll increase your alertness without the jittery feeling caffeine can bring; the CBD reduces inflammation and muscle soreness from exercise, stress, or anxiety; and the CBNight is a natural way to help your body fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. The Topical Cream Packet targets muscle soreness at the site and works quickly. CBD American Shaman also gives free samples at all of its locations. Curious about how a product feels before you buy? An American Shaman representative will gladly let you try small samples of any of their products to help you make an informed decision.

CBD American Shaman is U.S. Hemp Authority® Certified and is among the only CBD producers in the United States that uses Propriety Nanotechnology, making their products nine-times more bio-available than other CBD products. To learn more, visit cbdoflincoln.com or contact franchise owner Lance Schroeder at (531) 500-3672 / lincolnamshaman@gmail.com.