CEDARS Seeks School Supplies
Every day across our community, families are making difficult decisions. Do they pay their rent, medical bills, or buy food and diapers? It’s when these types of decisions must be made that school supplies quickly fall in priority. Every day, CEDARS (www.cedarskids.org) supports over 1,000 children and youth in similar situations. That’s why CEDARS is committed to providing a backpack for each child in our care filled with age-appropriate school supplies to properly equip them for learning. Community support is vital to making this a reality.
Just as it was 70 years ago when the child-caring organization was founded, CEDARS relies heavily on the support of the community to provide for the children and youth in crisis. Any individuals, businesses or organizations with a desire to help provide school supplies are encouraged to contact Tracy at (402) 437-8820 or tchristensen@cedars-kids.org. For more information about CEDARS, call (402) 434-KIDS (5437) or visit www.cedarskids.org.